Who Is Your Person?

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I wonder what babies think when they look at you making goofy faces at them?" Or have you ever stopped to just observe the wonder of a child? Your mind can take you in oh so many places.

Over the last several days I had the pleasure of spending time with my 10-month-old Goddaughter and her parents. There were lots of kisses, ahhing and ooo-ing, and making silly sounds and faces. But...there were also times that I found myself just looking at her thinking what it must be like to be 10-months old and literally not have a care in the world because she knew that her parents and Godmother would dote over every single thing she did whether it was crinkling her nose, babbling uncontrollably while kicking her legs in the swing, or crying because she was overtired and missed her momma who ran some errands.

As a young child, I do not recall being doted over by anyone except my own Godparent, my uncle, on the rare occasions that I would see him. But as I have grown into an adult, I am blessed to have others who love me and dote over me from time to time with their words of love, support, encouragement, and help when needed. I am blessed that even though I have gone through many traumatic situations throughout my life, I know that I have people in my corner cheering me on, teaching me new things, and loving me unconditionally just like I do with my Goddaughter.

In a few short weeks, my first children's book, A Caterpillar's Journey, will be released. It's truly about the journey a caterpillar must take to be the butterfly she desires to be. And though she feels like there is no one in her corner cheering her on, there is at least one person. We all have one person in our corner. Sometimes it's hard to recognize that person, but we do. We all go through many transformations in lives whether it be learning to sit up, crawl, walk, talk, change old behaviors and attitudes, make better choices out of our poor ones, or whatever. Who is your person? Who are the cheerleaders in your life? Don't forget to look for them. Don't forget to listen for their cheers even when they seem to be whispering as it's often the quiet voices that speak the loudest. I'm blessed to have many cheerleaders in my life.


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