Stepping Out

Spring is in full bloom with his very confused weather. One day it's 76 degrees outside. The next it is raining. The next it is 40 degrees. I often feel like my mood has been on a roller coaster like the weather. One day I am ecstatic because my students have done something amazing. The next day I'm emotional when I think about all that COVID has taken away from me, my friends, my family, and people in general. Then I am nervous with anticipation of a new book coming out.

Spring is the epitome of transformation as flowers have been laying dormant all winter, dying to themselves, only to rise with beautiful blooms with the breath of new life. As the school year comes to an end this week, I feel the pains and joys of transformation in my own life as I step out in vulnerability.

What is this vulnerability I speak of? It is putting myself out there and sharing my story like I've never done before and using a variety of mediums to do this. A couple of weeks ago, I gave an interview regarding my first book, From Death to New Life: The Transformation of a Soul. I felt that the two-hour interview went well but found myself extremely anxious awaiting its publication. Why so anxious? I can only say it was because people would read it and learn some secrets I had kept for so long.

But if I was so anxious, why put myself out there like that?

I have reached a point in my life that I need to be intentional in being my authentic self. This means to be honest about my past. I am not my past but my past is a part of my life. You are NOT your past. I have also realized that I have a lot to offer others who have had similar experiences. I have survived and I am thriving. I do slip back into old behaviors once in awhile. But over all, I am thriving. If sharing my story helps one person, I will have fulfilled the mission I've been given by the Father.

Giving an interview about my book and my story is one way of being vulnerable. I have also stepped out and recorded my story on YouTube and created a podcast.

What are you doing to be more authentically yourself?


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